Unlocking our potential by changing our perspective

Four personal stories of transformation and growth, learning to see things differently

Murky Waters
13 min readJan 19, 2021


Image by: me. Two out of three stories happened here :)

Our memories are closely linked to the feelings we had at the time. So more intense the feelings are, the stronger the memory is. Just think about the months we spent in lockdown last year. I am sure that we all had longer periods of time in 2020 when nothing special happened. How much do you remember, when you think back about that period? Now go to the time you fell in love for the first time. How much do you remember? Even if it’s a 40-year-old memory, I am sure you will remember way more than from a period of a few uneventful months of 2020…you will remember even the smallest of details. This article is a trip down the memory lane.

There were many lessons in life, experiences pulling me down only to come back stronger, or taking me apart completely only to give me the opportunity to rebuild something better. I believe we are all here to learn, and every failure is our biggest opportunity to evolve. Today I take ownership of my thoughts, words and actions. I see opportunities everywhere and try to figure out the valuable lessons. Recent discussion with a close friend led me to thinking how I…



Murky Waters

Entrepreneur passionate about freedom, learning, creating useful things and helping others while challenging myself. Board game designer.