Yuval Noah Harari’s “Useless Class”

How will AI advances reshape the world of tomorrow? Employment, education and the language we use — our points of view.

Murky Waters
11 min readDec 11, 2020
Image by Jon Carter from kdnuggets.com

Harari raises some important questions in his talks - potential threats to our civilization which should definitely be addressed. This article is specifically about the threat (or more of an opportunity) of AI advances and automation. I put “The Useless” in quotation as that is the rather unfortunate term coined by Noah Harari. I will start with few segments from Harari’s speeches and his book, “Homo Deus”.

Nobody really knows what the job market will be like in 20 or 30 years. It’s really the first time in history that nobody has any idea what kind of jobs and what kind of skills people will need in 30 years. Which means that we have absolutely no idea what to teach children at school. Most of what they learn is going to be irrelevant. To the requirements of the job market in 2050. What to teach them instead, we just don’t know.
Harari in his speech at Carnegiecouncil event.

Well, the premise here (that advances in AI will make a lot of jobs obsolete) should be correct, so could be our inability to imagine the job market in 30 years. Considering the exponential development of our civilization and the recent breakthroughs during the age…



Murky Waters

Entrepreneur passionate about freedom, learning, creating useful things and helping others while challenging myself. Board game designer.